Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, or more simply osteochondrosis, are affecting not only a growing number of the adult population of our planet, but they are also becoming much younger. Today, more than 80% of the working-age population of our planet has periodic spinal pain.

Osteochondrosis- a disease of the spine that leads to degenerative-dystrophic damage to the intervertebral discs and the underlying bone tissue, accompanied by a thickening of the vertebral processes and a loss of elasticity of the ligaments along the spine. This leads to aging, dehydration and loss of stability of the cartilage tissue.
Osteochondrosis is not just a manifestation of pain in the spine or impaired sensitivity of the limbs, but a disease of the entire organism. And as many studies show, osteochondrosis has a direct effect on practically all internal organs. For example, diseases of the cervical spine impair the functioning of the organs of sight, hearing, and intellectual and spiritual activity. In the chest area, they disrupt the work of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract. And degenerative-dystrophic changes in the lumbar spine lead to organ problems in the small pelvis, even in theGenitourinary area and the lower extremities. For example, in the same lower extremities, it is accompanied by various pains, muscle spasms, "creeping creep", numbness of the extremities, and subsequently their atrophy. Therefore, early detection and qualified treatment of this pathology is very important. Many people who are first diagnosed with a herniated disc are faced with a choice of treatment options. The proposal for surgical treatment leaves many in shock and forces them to seek alternative therapies. Some turn to traditional healers, bone setters immediately, others take various medications, others do nothing and maintain that if the disease is very worrisome, it should be treated. In this regard, there is a popular phrase used by neurosurgeons - "Walking with a hernia is like walking with a grenade, nobody knows when it will explode! " Unfortunately, surgical treatment, be it neurosurgical or orthopedic, is not a panacea. In many patients, even after surgery, spinal pain associated with the development of scar adhesions remains, and relapses often occur (a new exacerbation ("return") of the disease after an apparent recovery) - repeated hernias.
In osteochondrosis, intervertebral discs are most often affected. These unique cartilage discs not only connect our 33 vertebrae with the spine. Its good working condition, mobility, elasticity, elasticity and resilience depend directly on the condition of the intervertebral discs. They serve as resilient shock absorbers to cushion the load.
Osteochondrosis manifests itself as early as the first decades of life and, according to observations, more often in boys than in girls.
If you don't deal with the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis, the disease progresses and gradually affects the entire spine, which can ultimately lead to a herniated disc, pinching of nerve endings and parts of the spinal cord. In severe cases, the consequences of osteochondrosis can only be eliminated through surgical intervention with a long recovery and rehabilitation period.
Types of osteochondrosis
Depending on which part of the spine was affected by the disease, the following types of osteochondrosis are distinguished:
- Cervical osteochondrosisor osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
- Osteochondrosis of the breastor osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.
- Lumbar osteochondrosisor osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine.
- Frequent osteochondrosis,This is when the disease spreads to two or three parts of the spine at the same time.
- First:The main symptom of osteochondrosis at this stage is instability, which is manifested in the initial disorders of the intervertebral discs. Feeling uncomfortable and uncomfortable.
- Second:The main symptom of the second stage of osteochondrosis is disc protrusion. The destruction of the annulus fibrosus begins, the gaps between the vertebrae decrease, pinching of the nerve endings in pain syndromes is possible.
- Third:At this stage of osteochondrosis, the destruction of the ring occurs with the appearance of intervertebral hernias. The third stage is characterized by a significant deformity of the spine.
- Fourth:the last and most severe stage of osteochondrosis. It becomes difficult to move. Every movement leads to acute pain. Periodically, the condition improves and the pain subsides, but this clearly indicates the formation of bone growth. They connect the vertebrae, restrict mobility and lead to disabilities.
Four stages of development of osteochondrosis
Symptoms characteristic of osteochondrosis
Patients with osteochondrosis complain of constant aching back pain, often accompanied by numbness and aching limbs. Without proper treatment, weight loss and limb atrophy occur. The main symptoms are:
- constant aching back pain, numbness, and aching limbs;
- increased pain with sudden movements, physical exertion, lifting weights, coughing, and sneezing;
- decreased freedom of movement, muscle cramps;
- with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: pain in the arms, shoulders, headache; possible development of the so-called vertebral artery syndrome, which consists of the following symptoms: noises in the head, dizziness, flashing "flies", colored spots in front of the eyes combined with a burning, throbbing headache. The cause of vertebral artery syndrome can be its spasm in response to both direct irritation of the sympathetic plexus due to bone growth, a herniated disc, arthrosis of the intervertebral joint, and a reflex reaction due to irritation of any receptors in the spine. The presence of vertebral artery syndrome can exacerbate the course of coronary or cardiomuscular pathology, if any;
- with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine: chest pain (like a "pile" in the chest), in the area of the heart and other internal organs;
- with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: back pain radiating to the sacrum, lower extremities, sometimes to the pelvic organs;
- Damage to the nerve roots (with herniated disc, bone growths, spondylolisthesis, spondyloarthrosis): sharp pain and sensory disorders, hypotrophy, hypotension, weakness of the innervated muscles, decreased reflexes.
Diagnosis of osteochondrosis
The establishment of a preliminary diagnosis is made during the initial examination of the patient. The examination is usually carried out by a neurologist in connection with the patient's complaints about local changes, which can be expressed in pain, deformities or restricted mobility. The spine is examined while standing, sitting and lying down, both at rest and when moving. The extent of the spinal lesion is determined by counting the vertebrae from certain anatomical landmarks or according to a special scheme.
When examining the back, pay attention to the posture, the structural features of the trunk, mark the line of the spinous processes (the central groove of the back), the lower angles of the shoulder blades, the ridges of the pelvic bones, the lateral contours of the waist and neck, the position of the shoulder girdle, deviation of the intergluteal groove from the vertical, show protrusions, protrusions of the spinous processes pay attention to the relief of the muscles next to the spine.
Feeling the spine allows you to supplement the examination data (presence or absence of deformities) to determine the localization, degree and type of pain. Palpation also reveals the tension in the muscles next to the spine. most spinal injuries and diseases are associated with increased muscle tone.
Spinal flexion is used to determine the range of motion in different parts of the spine.
The main role in the examination of the spine is played by radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, with the help of which the height of the lesion is determined, the diagnosis is clarified and concretized, and hidden pathologies are revealed. Diagnostic data allow the attending physician to determine treatment tactics and choose the most effective methods of treatment.
Osteochondrosis of the spine, treatment with exercise
Complex conservative treatment includes physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy, traction (pulling) the spine, reflexology, drug therapy.
Physiotherapeutic exercises (movement therapy) - the main method of conservative treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is to create metered loads aimed at decompressing the nerve roots, correcting and strengthening the muscle corset, increasing the volume and developing a certain stereotype of movementsand correct posture, which give the ligament-muscle apparatus the necessary flexibility and prevent complications. This is achieved through regular exercises with rehabilitation equipment and joint gymnastics. Training improves blood circulation, metabolism and nutrition of the intervertebral discs are normalized, the intervertebral space is enlarged, the muscle corset is formed and the load on the spine is reduced.
Physiotherapy is a treatment method that uses physical factors: low frequency currents, magnetic fields, ultrasound, lasers, etc. It is used to relieve pain, inflammation, rehabilitation after injuries and surgery. When using physical therapy methods, the treatment time for many diseases is shortened, the effectiveness of taking drugs and reducing the dosage is increased, there are no side effects in drug treatment.
Massage is a series of methods of mechanically metered action in the form of friction, pressure, vibration, which is carried out directly on the surface of the human body with the hands. Effectively relieves muscle tension, muscle pain, improves blood circulation, has a toning effect.
Manual therapy is an individually tailored manual action on the musculoskeletal system to relieve acute and chronic pain in the spine and joints as well as to increase the range of motion and correct posture. One of the directions of manual therapy is visceral manual therapy, which helps restore normal mobility of organs, improves blood supply, lymphatic circulation, normalizes metabolism, restores immunity and prevents exacerbations of chronic diseases.
The traction (traction) of the spine is an effective method of treating pain syndromes of the spine and joints through an individually selected load with special equipment. The aim of the procedure is to increase the intervertebral space, relieve pain and restore the anatomically correct shape of the spine.
Reflexotherapy - various therapeutic techniques and methods for influencing the reflexogenic zones of the human body and acupuncture points. The use of reflexology in combination with other therapeutic methods significantly increases its effectiveness. Most often, reflexology is used for osteochondrosis, accompanied by pain, diseases of the nervous system, sleep disorders, mental imbalance, as well as obesity and smoking. By acting on certain points, you can balance the body and treat many diseases.
Drug therapy is indicated during an exacerbation of the disease, is aimed at relieving pain, relieving the inflammatory process and improving metabolic processes by taking or administering drugs through intramuscular or intravenous injections.
Although each of the above methods is highly effective, a lasting therapeutic effect can only be achieved in combination with exercises on rehabilitation equipment, i. e. H. when creating a full-fledged muscle corset.
Recommendations for the prevention and prevention of osteochondrosis
To prevent osteochondrosis or relieve pain, people with this disease are recommended to be in a position for as long as possible in which the intervertebral discs are minimally stressed and at the same time the back muscles need to be stretched, since as often as possible to avoid metabolic processessupport around the spine. General recommendations are limited to compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle, and the attending physician also makes private recommendations in each case.
The following rules must be observed for prevention:
- Do not overload the spine, do not create conditions that are conducive to increased pressure in the intervertebral discs:
- limit vertical loads;
- do not make sudden movements, in particular, do not twist your body when bending;
- Avoid falls and jumps from great heights, injuries and bruises to the spine;
- change your body position more often;
- keep your back straight;
- try to maintain the natural physiological curves of the spine: in the supine position, the load on the spine is minimal, but the bed should be semi-rigid (preferably sleep on a firm orthopedic mattress and an orthopedic pillow); in a sitting position, keep your back straight by the muscles or press it against the back of a chair or chair (the seat should be firm enough and the back should be curved in the lumbar region), keep your head straightWhen standing, change the leg you are leaning on more often; Getting out of bed or a chair, lying down and sitting down should be done with the hands, without straining or bending the back;
- Before physical activity, drink water and massage your back, this will distribute the blood, accelerate metabolic processes and allow the intervertebral discs to adequately absorb moisture;
- Do not lift or hold heavy objects with your arms outstretched to lift an object, crouch, and then stand with it while the objects should be as close to your body as possible;
- When carrying weights, try to distribute the load evenly; H. do not carry bags in one hand, etc. if you need to carry an item in front of you, hold it as close to your body as possible and as you pass it, do not stretch your arms forward and also use it to carry heavy loads, Trolleys, bags or suitcases on wheels, rucksacks;
- Use a wide belt or special corset for heavy lifting, moving, or carrying weights.
- Do not lift a load over 10 kg;
- During any work, try to bend as little as possible and be in a bent state, regularly relieving the load on the spine (hanging on the bar, stretching yourself with the raising of your arms, lying down);
- Wear comfortable shoes; Women should limit walking in high-heeled shoes.
- Exercise regularly to strengthen and maintain your corset. Swimming makes sense.
- Take a contrast shower, temper the body.
- Don't overcool.
- Avoid scandals, stressful situations.
- Eat properly.
- Do not smoke.